Mahdi Nazeri
Image of Mahdi

Hi! My name is Mahdi Nazeri.

I graduated from Isfahan University of Technology with two Bachelors of Science, one in Electrical Engineering (Control Systems) and another Computer Engineering (Intelligent Systems) with cumulative double major GPA 18.63 out of 20.



A centrality based genetic algorithm for the graph burning problem

Mahdi Nazeri — Ali Mollahosseini — Iman Izadi Applied Soft Computing BibTeX | Elsevier | arXiv | Code

In this paper, we propose an efficient genetic algorithm called Centrality BAsed Genetic-algorithm (CBAG) for solving the graph burning problem. Considering the unique characteristics of the graph burning problem, we introduce novel genetic operators, chromosome representation, and evaluation method. Based on the results, it can be seen that the proposed algorithm achieves better performance in comparison to the previous state-of-the-art heuristics.